Courses Taught at The University of Texas at Austin

RHE 309S: Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing (Spring 2022):

A sophomore-level writing course reserved for Natural Sciences Dean’s Scholars and designed to teach technical communication, advanced rhetorical analysis, and advocacy on public issues that focuses on how scientists work to persuade one another, the general public, and the institutions that invest in and fund further research.

RHE 309K: Rhetoric of Viral Media (Fall 2021):

A lower-division writing course designed to teach rhetorical analysis, research practices, and the creation of multimodal texts that focuses on viral media’s histories, analysis of social media platforms, and how viral media genres initiate, respond to, and extend public events, social movements, and other cultural phenomena. 

RHE 312: Writing in Digital Environments (Spring 2018):

A lower-division writing course designed to teach critical engagement with emerging technologies and the use of digital tools for textual analysis and multimodal production that focuses on how the circulation of real and fake news media online is rhetorically constructed and distributed across social media platforms.

RHE 309K: Rhetoric of Internet Trolling (Summer 2016, Fall 2016):

A lower-division writing course designed to teach rhetorical analysis, research practices, and the writing and revision of thoughtful and well-organized college-level papers that focuses on analysis of online discourses, digital literacy, and community safety. 

RHE 306: Rhetoric and Writing (Race & Criminal Justice) (Fall 2015, Spring 2015):

An introductory writing course designed to teach practical reasoning, rhetorical principles, and the writing and revision of thoughtful and well-organized college-level papers that focuses on the public controversies surrounding race and criminal justice in the contemporary United States.

Courses Taught at San Diego State University

RWS 200: Rhetoric of Written Argument in Context (Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015):

A second-semester writing course in a two-semester sequence designed to provide further practice in writing, reading, and critical thinking that focuses on the context of written arguments. 

RWS 100: Rhetoric of Written Argument (Fall 2014):

A first-semester writing course in a two-semester sequence designed to teach writing and reading as critical inquiry, locate rhetorical strategies, and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of written arguments.